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Reports: Every mouthful counts
How UK councils are tackling the climate and nature emergency through food.
Food for the Planet | Friday 4 November 2022
Events: Every mouthful counts: Unlocking a metropolitan food revolution
Sustain reveals how metropolitan councils have progressed on food and climate a year on from our last report.
Food for the Planet | Wednesday 6 December 2023
Page: Every mouthful counts
How local authorities can unlock a good food revolution
Food for the Planet
Events: Every mouthful counts: Unlocking a local good food revolution
We reveal how UK councils are performing on food, with leading councils sharing their lessons for a good food revolution.
Food for the Planet | Thursday 10 November 2022
Page: Every Mouthful Counts toolkit for Local Authorities
This toolkit helps councils identify where big emissions savings can be made through food, with links to helpful resources.
Food for the Planet
Reports: Every mouthful counts: How metropolitan councils are tackling the climate and nature emergency through food
Find out how the UK's 36 metropolitan councils performed on food and climate and nature, and how they can unlock a good food revolution across the UK.
Food for the Planet | Wednesday 6 December 2023
News: Every Mouthful Counts report: Six in ten councils omit food and farming from their climate plans
Sustain calls for action from UK government, as results show national targets in Scotland and Wales lead to better performance.
Food for the Planet | Thursday 10 November 2022
Reports: Every mouthful counts: Toolkit
Simple actions for Local Authorities to tackle the climate and nature emergency through food.
Climate Change and Nature | Monday 16 August 2021
Reports: Every mouthful counts: Food in city-based responses to climate and nature emergency
By adopting a healthy and sustainable food policy, how can cities very substantially reduce their carbon footprint and help farmers, fishers and land managers restore nature?
Climate Change and Nature | Thursday 3 October 2019
News: New play 'Mouthful' to premier in September
Get yourself along to the Trafalgar Studios in London for the world premiere of Mouthful, a series of plays tackling the global food crisis.
Sustain | Thursday 27 August 2015
Sustain: Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity.