Update on using the English planning system

WebinarMonday 28 September 2020 • 14:0000:00

Ever wondered what shapes your local place, why access to food does not seem to be thought about in new development, or why land on the edges of towns and cities is left vacant instead of growing food for local people? Come along to this short introduction to the planning system to find out more.

SFP Visions postcardsSFP Visions postcards

  • How can planning support our food partnerships?
  • How can food partnerships engage local planners?
  • What are the opportunities to influence national planning reforms?

Have you ever wondered what shapes your local place, why access to food does not seem to be thought about in new development, or why land on the edges of towns and cities is left vacant instead of growing food for local people?

Come along to this short introduction to the planning system to find out more. Hear from Cllr Katie Thornburrow from Cambridge City Council and Emily O'Brien from Brighton & Hove Food Partnership and other places that do take food into account when making land use decisions. Guide our response to proposals for the new planning system.

There will be an opportunity to post questions and share experiences both during and after the session with Sustain’s planning expert Gillian Morgan.

September 28th, 2020, at 2:00 PM London time.

Listen to the recording


Planning Food Cities: Find out how to get involved shaping the future of your local area to create a more sustainable and local food system.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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