Beyond nudges

WebinarThursday 13 February 2020 • 14:3000:00

What can the food movement learn from behavioural insights?

  • What are behavioural insights and how can we use them to improve access to good food?
  • Beyond nudges to shift individual consumption patterns, how can behavioural insights be employed to influence policy or businesses?

In this webinar we explored the questions above to see how people and programmes working to improve food systems are using behavioural insights in practice.

Jessie Barker from the Behavioural Insights Team introduced the concept of behavioural insights and how they can be applied individually, in policy or business. We then heard from Amber Wheeler (Food Foundation) on how this has been applied to increase consumption of vegetables in the UK through the Peas Please programme, as well as Ruth Westcott (Sustain) on influencing catering companies to commit to serving only certified sustainable fish through Sustainable Fish Cities.

This webinar was organised as part of the Food Learning Forum, a peer-learning network made up of programme managers of Lottery-funded projects related to food. Funded by the National Lottery, the Forum aims to draw together expertise from both within the organisations and from external facilitators as appropriate and share this with the wider network. It is coordinated by Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming and has been running since October 2019. 

Food Learning Forum: The Food Learning Forum is a peer-learning network of food focused organisations that connects and develops the food and farming sector through learning, development and peer discussion.

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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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