Reaping Rewards II

This report presents new findings based on data collected during the 2014 growing season, using Capital Growths innovative online tool – the Harvest-ometer. This was launched in 2013 by Capital Growth to help people growing food to record and keep track of their harvest, while also gathering data on food production in the city as a whole.

Reaping Rewards II
2016 | 4556Kb


Reports Capital Growth

Published: Tuesday 3 May 2016

Highlights of the report include analysis of the 40 tonnes of produce that was grown and recorded during the first two seasons, by 190 groups and individuals using the tool.  This was valued at over £288,000 and contributed to half-a-million meals. The data is used to show popular produce grown, average yields and the potential of the Capital Growth network as whole to over £2 million of food.

Capital Growth: Connecting network of London growers who believe everyone should be able to grow food as part of a healthy, resilient food system.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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