A more natural capital agenda for london. Credit: CPRE London
A more natural capital agenda for london. Credit: CPRE London
As London prepares for the Mayoral elections in May, Sustain's Capital Growth team, as part of the A More Natural Capital coalition, is working to get urban food growing and greater protections for green space on the agenda of all the candidates.
The coalition has set out a manifesto pushing for mayoral candidates to take the action needed to deliver a greener London.
The coalition partners, including Sustain, London Wildlife Trust, The Woodland Trust, Thames21, The Orchard Project, have developed a list of 10 calls to action that will help London to transition to the cleaner, greener and more resilient city it needs to be to face the climate and ecological crisis.
The 10 priorities we are calling on the mayoral candidates to support are:
Capital Growth is keen to see progress made on larger scale access to land. Our particular focus is on using the mayoral influence over councils and funding rounds to get more orchards and growing sites in London.
As well as the climate and biodiversity benefits, having more farms and orchards will create new green jobs, provide education and volunteering opportunities, and help build stronger communities.
Keeping trees and other plants in the ground is a more effective climate action strategy than new planting, which takes time to be impactful. So we are calling for greater protection of growing sites.
Rachel Dring, Sustain’s Capital Growth Coordinator, has said:
“Londoners increasingly want to get more involved in food growing but as demand increases, available land is decreasing. We are losing allotment sites and green spaces to development. We want to see more community food gardens incorporated into housing estates and more green space protected for food growing.”
Capital Growth are also launching a new nature-based campaign later this spring as part of their Growing for Change initiative.
Watch this space for news on our hustings events coming up this spring, where we will be influencing future mayors to provide significant support for food growing in London as well as wider food system change.
Capital Growth: We believe everyone should have the opportunity to grow food as part of a healthy, resilient food system and we are working with our network of growers in London to make this happen.
The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA
020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
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