Hot Food Takeaways: Planning a route to healthier communities

Sustain’s new guide for Councils draws on the experience of planning authorities in collecting evidence to support and defend planning policies to restrict new hot food takeaways.

Hot Food Takeaways: Planning a route to healthier communities
54pp - 2019 | 2880Kb


Reports Planning Food Cities

Published: Tuesday 12 November 2019

Despite there being national targets for obesity reduction, there is only so much local councils can do with their existing powers. The report also calls for a series of actions to be explored on planning, design and licensing to tackle child obesity. These include:

  • National Government support for local areas to increase the adoption of planning restrictions, and defend existing policies by critiquing evidence regularly submitted by fast food chains.
  • Explore the impact of restrictions on the sale of unhealthy food to under 16s before 6pm on school days.
  • Explore the potential for a license to sell unhealthy food outside of these opening hours. Both would encourage businesses to reformulate their offer, or contribute to local authorities’ capacity to provide this support.
  • Reviewing residential space standards to ensure houses have sufficient space for food preparation, cooking, dining and storage.


Why control hot food takeaways
National Planning Context

  • Planning policy framework
  • Devolved nations
  • Health objectives
  • Sustainable Food Cities

Experience of Local Planning Authorities

  • Planning policy
  • Supplementary Planning Documents
  • A strategic approach
  • Local evidence
  • Planning applications for change of use
  • Effectiveness

Recommendations: next steps for local authorities, government, campaigners and organisations to take the healthy path

  • Next steps for Councils
  • Next steps for Government
  • Next steps for our partners

Case Studies
Key terms

Planning Food Cities: Find out how to get involved shaping the future of your local area to create a more sustainable and local food system.

The Green House
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London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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