Community Food Projects: A directory of projects on the Food Poverty Database

Published in 2003, this directory lists over 260 community projects from the Food Poverty Projects Database. The database is managed by Sustain's Food Poverty Network, in collaboration with the Health Development Agency.

Community Food Projects: A directory of projects on the Food Poverty Database
ISBN: 1 903060 25 7 - 84pp - 2003 | 297Kb


Reports Food Access Network

Published: Monday 1 January 2001

Community Food Projects: A directoryPublished in 2003, this directory lists over 260 community projects from the Food Poverty Projects Database. The database is managed by Sustain’s Food Poverty Network, in collaboration with the Health Development Agency.

The Community Food Projects report provided the first printed directory of projects on the Food Poverty Projects Database. The database was maintained by the Food Poverty Network (which later became the Food Access Network), part of Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming. It lists a great variety of projects, all working at the local level to improve access to healthy food for people on a low income.

The projects include food co-operatives, community cafés, school breakfast clubs, cooking clubs,
food growing projects and farmers’ markets.

The aim of producing the director is to encourage people who run community food projects, and the agencies and local organisations that support them, to make contact with each other and work together. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of networking and learning from other people's experience.

The Food Poverty Projects Database was formerly called the Food and Low Income Database. It was launched in 1996 to enable people working on local food projects to find out about each other, make contact and pool experience in a way that had never been possible before. By 2003 there are more than 267 community food projects on the database, from across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Between them they carry out more than 700 activities, ranging from growing and selling food to cooking and eating it.

Report contents


Projects on the Food Poverty Projects Database

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

Other useful contacts

Regional Development Agencies

Strategic Health Authorities

Alphabetical index of projects

Index of projects by activity

Food Access Network: The Food Access Network (FAN-UK) was formerly the Food Poverty project, and is now superseded by the Local Action on Food Network. These archive pages give background information on the activities of FAN-UK, which worked to tackle diet-related ill health amongst the UK's most disadvantaged communities.

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