Photo by Geoff Duke from Pexels
Newcastle has joined cities across England by pledging to become a right to food city and calls on the UK Government to incorporate this right into domestic legislation.
Photo by Geoff Duke from Pexels
Newcastle council has passed a motion saying that "it is time to enshrine the human right to food into parliamentary legislation."
The council has furthermore committed to
Newcastle councillors have committed to writing to UK Government ministers and to asking the authors of the National Food Strategy to include commitments on the right to food.
The full council motion can be found here.
Right to Food: Everyone has the right to enjoy safe, nutritious and sustainable food. This project advocates the realisation of the Right to Food in UK law.
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Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
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