Sustain's Fran Bernhardt awarded Churchill Fellowship

Fran Bernhardt has been awarded a fellowship to learn from food policy successes in Mexico, Colombia and Chile where governments have brought in strong measures to address the flood of unhealthy foods and drinks.

Mexico street market. Credit: Ted Mcgrath, FlickrMexico street market. Credit: Ted Mcgrath, Flickr

News Commercial Determinants

Published: Wednesday 10 July 2024

Fran Bernhardt, Sustain's Commercial Determinants Coordinator has been awarded a Churchill fellowship to learn about successful international food policies. She will travel to Mexico, Colombia and Chile whose governments have passed policies to stem the flood of unhealthy food in recent years including taxes on unhealthy foods and restricting child-appealing packaging.

The project will explore the precedents set by these countries in order to inform work in the UK where at both a national and local level, policies designed to address food-related ill health have faced significant barriers. Fran will be consulting with members of the Sustain alliance and sharing learnings on her return to feed insights into UK food policy.

Fran Bernhardt, Commercial Determinants Coordinator said:

Mexico, Chile and Colombia have been leading the charge internationally against the flood of unhealthy food, setting incredible precedents for the rest of the world which I'm excited to bring back and channel into UK policy. I am deeply grateful to the Churchill Fellowship for granting me this award, and of course to Latin American colleagues whose tireless dedication and well-earnt success has been a great source of inspiration and whom I cannot wait to learn from.

Read more about Fran Bernhardt's Churchill fellowship.

The Churchill Fellowship is a UK charity which supports individual UK citizens to follow their passion for change, through learning from the world and bringing that knowledge back to the UK. 

Commercial Determinants: We believe our health and the health of our planet must be prioritised ahead of companies’ profits. We’re taking a stand with policymakers by bringing in regulations that incentivise industry to higher standards.

The Green House
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020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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