Help grow a field of grain from the comfort of your own home

Want to support a farmer but don’t have the time to get your fingers green? #OurField is a farming collective that connects citizens to the food they eat and supports local sustainable farming practices.

Farmer John Cherry and the OurField collectiveFarmer John Cherry and the OurField collective

News Real Bread Campaign

Published: Tuesday 27 March 2018

Community Supported Agriculture co-operative #OurField is currently looking for enthusiastic new members to join this year’s project and help decide what the new cereal crop will be. All decisions are taken collectively online using the platform Loomio, and there will opportunities to visit Weston Farm in Hertfordshire throughout the year.

Across the UK, there is a lack of financial and emotional support for farmers who choose to use less intensive farming methods. #OurField is a farming cooperative of 42 people sharing the management of a field at Weston Farm. The group works with farmers John and Paul Cherry via an online platform to decide what crop to grow, how to grow it, and what happens to the crop after it is harvested. Last year #OurField successfully grew 20 tonnes of spelt.

This is an exciting opportunity to demonstrate a way to take charge of the food system and support local farmers. Even more importantly, you will be helping grow nutrient-rich grains that may end up in loaves of Real Bread.

To join, email or find more information on the Our Field website.

If you aren’t in a position to invest, but would like to follow the crop’s journey from farm to fork, you can read the latest developments on Loomio and sign up to #OurField’s newsletter.

Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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