Book now for Crop to Crust II

On Saturday 8 October 2016, SPAB Mills Section, the Traditional Cornmillers Guild and the Real Bread Campaign invite you to explore and celebrate the seed to sandwich food web of cereal farmer, traditional miller and Real Bread baker.

A sequel to 2011’s Crop to Crust, the all day event will be held at Sacrewell Watermill near Peterborough. It has been created for farmers growing grain for traditional mills, people involved in traditional milling, and Real Bread bakers – domestic and commercial. It’s also a day for people interested in getting involved in any of these.

Themes to be discussed include: how traditional millers and Real Bread bakers can enhance the sustainability of rural communities by sourcing more food locally; rediscovering forgotten varieties of wheat; maintaining crop biodiversity and ensuring best fit to local soil and climate; and making the maximum possible use of renewable energy.  Farmers, millers and bakers will share their stories of working together to produce fantastic wheat, flour and breads with great provenance - local food for local people!

Speakers include:

  • Jonathan Cook: Chairman of the SPAB Mills Section and master miller (Fosters Windmill, Swaffham Prior)
  • Tom Herbert: Baker, writer, TV presenter, real Bread Campaign ambassador, and Innovations Director of Hobbs House Bakery
  • David Howell: Master miller (Offley Watermill)
  • Vanessa Kimbell: Baker, writer and owner of the Sourdough Bread School
  • Anne Parry: Botanist and miller
  • Howard Roberts: Organic farmer
  • James Waterfield: Master miller (Maud Foster Windmill, Boston)
  • Paul Wyman: Chairman of the Traditional Cornmillers Guild and master miller (Tuxford Windmill)
  • Chris Young: Real Bread Campaign coordinator

In addition to chewing over thought-provoking ideas with the speakers and fellow attendees, there will be ample opportunity to meet new suppliers and customers; explore Sacrewell Watermill and enjoy baking demonstrations in its 19th century wood-fired oven bakehouse; and sample a range of delicious Real Bread.

£42.50 with lunch / £35 without

Full details and booking form on SPAB Mills Section website.



Real Bread Campaign: The Real Bread Campaign finds and shares ways to make bread better for us, better for our communities and better for the planet. Whether your interest is local food, community-focussed small enterprises, honest labelling, therapeutic baking, or simply tasty toast, everyone is invited to become a Campaign supporter.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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