Food Poverty Project widens its access

The Food Poverty Project is changing its name and will now be known as the Food Access Network - UK.

The Food Poverty Project has always campaigned to ensure everybody has access to a healthy, affordable diet.  Access to a healthy diet can be limited by a number of issues, which include poverty.  But problems with accessibility, availability and awareness can also prevent people from getting the food that they want for themselves and their families.  And whilst some people are happy with the word 'poverty', it can cause offence to other groups on low incomes. 

In addition, the term food poverty isn't always very useful for our campaign as members of the public can associate it with starvation in poor countries, rather than food deserts in the UK.

Food Access Network logoWe believe that that community food groups are all working towards widening access to healthy diets for a wide variety of people.  And low-income households aren't the only group that need help.  Older people for example, are often hampered by problems with transport and mobility, while some young people may lack cooking skills.

We hope our new name will encourage a wider range of people and projects to join the network.  Along with our new name also comes a new logo which Food Access Network members can use on their publicity and funding applications.

Food Access Network: The Food Access Network (FAN-UK) was formerly the Food Poverty project, and is now superseded by the Local Action on Food Network. These archive pages give background information on the activities of FAN-UK, which worked to tackle diet-related ill health amongst the UK's most disadvantaged communities.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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