VideoA young boy with a school lunch. Copyright: Monkey Business Images | shutterstock
Where to next in our journey toward school food for every UK child?
London, Wales and Scotland are rolling out school meals for primary school children, while a handful of local authorities are taking innovative steps to expand current provision of free school meals.
Come and hear from the trailblazers on their journeys toward school food for all, as well as the Children’s Food Campaign and their Say Yes Campaign.
Find out what your area can do next toward a universal approach and an end to the postcode lottery on school meals.
Download speaker presentations:
Hull Food Partnership presentation
Food Foundation presentation on research with West Midlands local authorities
Cardiff Council presentation
Greater London Authority presentation
Southwark Council presentation
Sustainable Food Places: The Sustainable Food Places Network helps people and places share challenges, explore practical solutions and develop best practice on key food issues, so if you are working to drive positive food change or are interested in developing a programme, please do get in touch.