A Healthy Start for all Londoners

WebinarWednesday 13 October 2021 • 10:0012:00

Over 40% of eligible families are missing out on their Healthy Start in London. Our workshop shared ideas on how we can change that.

Pexels / Kamaji OginoVideoPexels / Kamaji Ogino

The Healthy Start scheme aims to tackle health inequalities and maximise the incomes of young pregnant women and low-income families with children under the age of 4. By offering vouchers of £4.25 a week to spend on fresh, frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables, pulses and grains and cow’s milk, it ensures every child has a healthy start no matter their circumstances. Unfortunately though, 44% of eligible families in London are still missing out on the scheme.

As part of London Challenge Poverty week, this workshop showcased projects that have successfully promoted the scheme in their communities and brought people together to discuss what more can be done to promote the scheme in London and beyond.

This workshop was for public health teams, experts by experience, local authorities, food poverty alliances and partnerships, retailers, community organisations, businesses and anyone else who wants to tackle health inequalities around the UK, not just in London.

Find out more about our work on Healthy Start here.

Food Poverty: Championning people-powered projects that tackle the root causes of food poverty.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

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