Better Breakfasts: a guide to help your morning menu rise and shine

Breakfast can be a surprisingly complicated affair from a sustainability point of view. Coffee from impoverished farmers in developing countries, pork from low-welfare pigs, eggs from caged hens, tomatoes from hot-houses in Holland, intensively farmed salmon. But Ethical Eats is here to help, with the Better Breakfasts guide, which gives you all the information you need to help your morning menu rise and shine!

Better Breakfasts: a guide to help your morning menu rise and shine
10pp - 2012 | 1161Kb


Reports Ethical Eats

Published: Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Better Breakfast Guide aims to help restaurants, hotels and caterers make their menus rise and shine!

The guide includes an ingredient-by-ingredient review of the sustainability issues to consider, the easy and cheap swaps that can be made to improve the environmental and ethical effects of the items served, and five inspiring case studies from caterers who are serving up some of the capital's most sustainable breakfasts. The guide also lists a number of example suppliers, taken from Sustain's Local Food Finder.

Breakfast can be a surprisingly complicated affair for caterers from a sustainability point of view. Coffee from impoverished farmers in developing countries, pork from low-welfare pigs, eggs from caged hens, tomatoes from hot-houses in Holland, intensively farmed salmon – the list goes on. But the Better Breakfasts guide is here to help, giving restaurants and caterers the information they need to help them negotiate the ethical minefield that is the first meal of the day.

The Better Breakfasts guide was written and produced by Sustain's Ethical Eats team, which coordinates a network of London restaurants and caterers interested in improving the sustainability of of the food they serve. For more information on joining the Ethical Eats network, or on ways to make the breakfasts you serve more sustainable, email Charlotte (

Better Breakfasts guide contents

  • Why tackle breakfast?
  • What makes a better breakfast?
    • Sausage, bacon and black pudding
    • Fish
    • Bread
    • Dairy and eggs
    • Breakfast cereal
    • Tea and coffee
    • Juice
    • Honey and preserves
    • Waste
  • Be inspired: case studies
  • Better Breakfasts deconstructed: example suppliers

Ethical Eats: Ethical Eats ran a network of London restaurants and catering businesses that care about sustainability.

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