Sustain briefing: Fringe Farming in London

This briefing presents the social, economic and environmental case for more commercial, agro-ecological fruit and vegetable production in London’s urban fringe.

Sustain briefing: Fringe Farming in London
23pp - 2020 | 1331Kb


Reports Fringe Farming

Published: Tuesday 11 August 2020

Sustain’s interest in bringing sustainable food production closer to urban communities has been strengthened by the inspiration of many growers in and around London’s urban fringe; but it is time to upscale from being a fringe activity to a mainstream part of the food system. This briefing investigates existing farm productivity in London’s Green Belt land, identifies data gaps, structural barriers, current opportunities and steps that should be taken to allow this vision to take place.

Compiled by Sustain’s Capital Growth team with input from Shared Assets, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and many organisations and individuals working on farms, with farmers or in supply chains, it follows an event held in 2020 which enabled the sharing of experiences and ideas on how to access land to grow food, increase markets for this food and create the skills needed to grow food at scale on London’s urban fringe.

This briefing presents the story so far and identifies gaps in knowledge. We welcome further contributions.

Fringe Farming: The Fringe Farming project is a collaboration with partners across the UK to understand barriers, identify land opportunities and local actions, and develop national policy to enable agroecological farming at the edge of cities as part of a green economic recovery.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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