Food Miles - Still on the Road to Ruin?

Five years on from the initial report into the impact of food miles, this update assesses how the debate has moved on. It includes: updated statistics and analysis of the effects of pollution, packaging, processing; biodiversity and nutrition; a review of local alternatives and recommendations for action.

Food Miles - Still on the Road to Ruin?
1999 | 134Kb


Reports Food Facts

Published: Friday 1 January 1999

Five years on from the initial report into the impact of food miles, this update assesses how the debate has moved on. It includes: updated statistics and analysis of the effects of pollution, packaging, processing; biodiversity and nutrition; a review of local alternatives and recommendations for action.

See also the original 1994 Food Miles report, republished by Sustain in 2011 with a new foreword by Vicki Hird of Friends of the Earth and Jeanette Longfield of Sustain, who both contributed to the original report

Report contents


Why run a Food Miles Campaign? 

Some Food Miles facts

  • Misery miles 

Is our food still travelling further? 

The effect of more Food Miles

  • Transport pollution 
  • More packaging 
  • More processing 
  • Biodiversity loss 
  • Agro-chemical use 
  • Nutritional implications 
  • Implications for producers 
  • The implications for developing countries 

Campaign update and the industry and government response

  • Checking out the supermarkets 
  • Local alternatives 
  • Direct retailing 
  • Regional focus groups 
  • Growing your own 

Recommendations for action

  • Action by individuals 
  • Action by farmers and growers 
  • Action by food retailers and processors 
  • Action by local authorities 
  • Action by national governments 

Contact List

  • Box schemes and farmers’ markets 
  • Seeds and advice on growing your own fruit and vegetables 
  • Transport campaigns 
  • Fair Trade and developing country initiatives 
  • Farm shops 
  • Major retailers 
  • Regional promotions 



Food Facts: A series of short reports on over a dozen different products, shows how people's shopping choices - as well as government policy - can protect the environment, enhance social justice and improve health.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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