The Organic Action Plan - Two Years On report was launched in July 2004. It examined the progress made since the first plan was published, and set out new recommendations to help develop the organic sector in England (with progress in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland being overseen by separate action plan groups). Significant progress had been made, with an increase in the proportion of organic food supplied by UK farmers from 30% when the action plan was written in 2002, to around 44% in 2004.
The priorities for further action in the report included:
- Working with regional Sustainable Farming and Food Strategies to ensure that organic farming is included in regional plans.
- Ensuring that the Defra Public Sector Food Procurement Initiative increases purchasing of organic food.
- Encouraging retailers to buy more UK organic food.
Organic Sector Development: We are helping to bring the organic message to the UK consumer with the Organic. Naturally Different campaign.