Mayor Cllr Sandra Walmsley with stall holder. Credit: Bury Council
Since the beginning of the local campaign to increase the uptake of Healthy Start, Bury has seen uptake increase by ten per cent, with more people eligible to the scheme now claiming and receiving the weekly payments. This might seem a modest increase but over the course of a year this equates to £16K back into peoples’ pockets at a time of great need, with some of it being spent locally at fruit and veg stalls in Bury Market.
Mayor Cllr Sandra Walmsley with stall holder. Credit: Bury Council
Healthy Start uptake rates in Bury have increased from 62 per cent in January 2023 to 72 per cent in October 2023 (higher than the national average uptake of 70 per cent).
Both Iddon’s and Pete’s Fruit and Veg market stalls have seen an increase in the use of Healthy Start cards. Pete has remarked that those with the cards were more confident in using them as he displays the Healthy Start signage.
With the help of a grant from Sustainable Food Places, Bury Food Partnership has launched a campaign to promote uptake of Healthy Start in January 2023, mainly by promoting the scheme at Bury Market. Several market traders are now accepting Health Start cards in exchange for their produce and advertising and promotion is happening across local parks, high street, GP practices and via relevant networks including Bury Council Cost of Living Support tools and materials, and Bury voluntary, community & faith alliance networks.
The Healthy Start scheme provides beneficiaries with a prepaid card to buy fruit, vegetables and milk. Payments are £4.25 a week for pregnant women and children 1-4 years old and £8.50 for infants under-1.
Key developments with potential to streamline the process of getting entitled people onto the payments include:
The work is gathering momentum as well as attention from local public health and department of work and pensions teams across Greater Manchester and beyond. Francesca Vale, the food partnership coordinator and project manager has recently made presentations at the Greater Manchester Healthy Start Task Force, and welcomed visitors from local council departments from Manchester, Tameside, Bolton, Bradford, and Leeds, who are now taking the learnings from the campaign to replicate in their places.
If you are working within your local authority to increase public access to affordable, healthy and climate and nature friendly food, then sign up to hear more from our Good Food Local programme.
Good Food Local: Supporting local authorities to create more healthy and sustainable food systems in their local areas.
The Green House
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London E2 9DA
020 3559 6777
Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
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