Prices of fruit and veg increasing at a much higher rate than meat and dairy

The latest data on rising costs of household items from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) suggests fruit and veg prices have disproportionately increased in price compared to meat and dairy.

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News Food for the Planet

Published: Wednesday 17 November 2021

The latest figures show changes in average price of household products from Oct 2020 to Oct 2021. The data shows some quite stark differences in inflation rates between food items. Whilst the price of apples dramatically increased (+24.1%), as did pears (+12.6%), mushrooms (+7.4%) and tomatoes (+8.3%), meat products only slightly increased, bacon (+2.9%), pork (+5.5%).


Ren Piercey, Sustain commented,

It's quite worrying to see such a dramatic increase in cost for fruit and vegetables as an isolated statistic, let alone to see that meat products have not seen a comparable rise. Eating more fruit and vegetables is not only central to a healthy diet, it is also central to a sustainable, planet-friendly diet. Measures need to be in place to encourage the consumption of more plants and less and better meat. Raising prices will only make it harder for people to up their intake of fruit, veg and pulses.


To find out more about planet-friendly diets, check our new campaign: 

Food for the Planet

Food for the Planet: Food for the Planet is helping local authorities, businesses and organisations take simple actions to tackle the climate and nature emergency through food.

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