Half of Brits are unaware of exploitation in the food chain

To mark the start of Fairtrade Fortnight new research shows that 26% of Brits never think about who produces their food and almost half of us are unaware of exploitation in the food chain.

News Ethical Eats

Published: Monday 26 February 2018

A survey of 2,001 adults by Censuswide revealed that 49% of shoppers considered the store’s ethical credentials as a key factor when buying food, compared to 88% choosing food due to price and quality and 71% location.

Fairtrade Fortnight began with a giant double doorway on the Millennium Footbridge in London asking the public to ‘Come On In’ to a mock up scene of a banana farm.

The Fairtrade Foundation, who are a member of Sustain, say that:

“The past 15 years have seen a 40% fall in the typical UK retail price of loose bananas while costs of production have doubled in some regions. Together, these factors have a human cost, meaning workers on non-Fairtrade plantations often have to contend with basic housing, poor working conditions and a lack of job security and continue to be undermined by late cancellations and delayed payments from unscrupulous buyers.”

The Fairtrade Foundation is calling on Commonwealth leaders this Fairtrade Fortnight to put an end to exploitative trade. You can find out more about the campaign and follow #FairtradeFortnight to keep up to date with all the latest activity.

Ethical Eats: Ethical Eats ran a network of London restaurants and catering businesses that care about sustainability.

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