How can public sector catering reduce its impact on the planet?

We're on the verge of climate breakdown and the National Food Strategy has recommended eating 30% less meat and 30% more fruit and vegetables. But how?

Share your ideas for public sector food policy.

Credit: Ruth WestcottCredit: Ruth Westcott

News Climate Change and Nature

Published: Friday 20 August 2021

Please complete our survey if you are:

  • A public sector caterer
  • A local Food Partnership (within the Sustainable Food Places or otherwise)
  • Working on a project to improve or support public sector food

We're keen to hear from those working in education, hospitals, care settings, prisons, defence catering and government buildings.

The results will inform which policies we call for in a government consultation on public sector food this autumn, and the White Paper on food which is due in 6 months. The survey is from Sustain: the Alliance for Better Food and Farming and the Sustainable Food Places Network, and we will produce a short report from the results, which will be shared with respondents.

Take the survey now

Climate Change and Nature: Sustain has taken a keen interest in the rapidly accumulating evidence about the effect of food and farming on climate change and nature, as scientific evidence emerges that our food system is a very significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

© Sustain 2024
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