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News: School of Artisan Food honours Real Bread Campaign co-ordinator

At its annual Advanced Diploma in Artisan Baking graduation ceremony, the School of Artisan Food also presented its first honorary Fellowship to Chris Young for ‘services to the Real Bread Campaign’.
Real Bread Campaign | Tuesday 24 October 2017

Blog: Which new government funds can support building back better through the good food economy?

As we ‘build back better’ from a year in and out of lockdowns, the Government has released several funds to support the renewal and regeneration of towns and communities. Ren Piercey explores whether there is scope for these to support food and farming initiatives.
Sustainable Food Places | Monday 29 March 2021

Reports: Future Farmers: a guide to running an urban food growing traineeship

Capital Growth has been championing new and existing urban farms for the last five years, focusing on sharing the recipe for a successful food growing enterprise through its Growing Enterprise support.
Capital Growth | Monday 15 September 2014

News: A comprehensive 9pm watershed on junk food advertising is the right thing to support parents

The Children’s Food Campaign welcomes the start of a government consultation on proposals to introduce a 9pm watershed on the advertising of high fat, salt and/or sugar (HFSS) products on TV and equivalent restrictions online.
Children's Food Campaign | Sunday 17 March 2019

News: New partnership project will explore food access for asylum seekers in London

Sustain partner with JRS and Life Seekers aid to launch a new project exploring experiences of food access for asylum seekers in London. Findings and recommendations will seek to address issues and highlight existing good practice.
Food Poverty | Friday 10 November 2023

News: New Leeds based project highlights social connection through food growing

Growing Friendship is a new project providing seedlings, tools and other inputs, as well as training workshops for asylum seekers, refugees and people in food hardship to grow and harvest vegetables at home or other growing spaces around Leeds.
Veg Cities | Monday 14 June 2021

News: Real Bread workshops for local community food access projects

Sustain's Real Bread Campaign and Food Coops project team up with local Real Bread bakers to run a series of hands-on workshops in Bristol, Durham, London and Sheffield.
Real Bread Campaign | Thursday 1 March 2012

Blog: University of Edinburgh's good food policies support students and the planet

The University of Edinburgh's catering team have been taking action to increase access to healthy, fair and sustainable food on campus that benefits the planet as much as the health of the students. 
Food for the Planet | Monday 20 September 2021

News: New government scheme fails to address the scale of food poverty this winter

The Government has announced a new fund for councils to support low-income families access food and other essentials during the winter. Cecily Spelling argues councils should adopt a cash-first approach when supporting households this winter.
Food Poverty | Thursday 30 September 2021

News: Over 300,000 families could miss out on free food scheme as digital switch over fails

As the cost of living crisis deepens, more than 300,000* families in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are set to miss out on a free food scheme they are eligible for as a digital switch over has gone badly wrong.    
Veg Cities | Thursday 10 March 2022

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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