Totnes Food Poverty Alliance
Our aims are: To build on existing partnerships by creating a cross sector alliance including public, voluntary and private organisations; To involve and consult closely with local people experiencing food poverty from the very start of the project using participatory appraisal methods; To create a food poverty action plan for the town and secure funding to implement the plan after the first year; To recruit an Alliance Coordinator to form and coordinate a new Food Poverty alliance for Totnes.
Members: Transition Town Totnes (TTT) played a pivotal role in building the Caring Town Network (formed 2014), a local network of public, voluntary and private organisations and groups that care about our community. Seven organisations from this network have pledged support for a new food poverty alliance, including Totnes food bank, Children’s Centre, Totnes Caring, Devon & Cornwall Housing, Devon Community Waste and Recycling Network, Food In Community and ‘Totnes 10’ local food project.
Established: Not yet established - so far we have established an interest from key partners and are working towards establishing an alliance
Thea Platt
Transition Town Totnes Coordinator
Transition Town Totnes