The Camden Food Poverty Alliance
The Camden Food Poverty Alliance is in the early stages of development, and therefore the formal aims and objectives have yet to be agreed. The Food Poverty Alliance will base its work on the Camden and Islington Food Poverty Needs Assessment (2018), the Camden 2025 strategic plan which was resident lead as well as the knowledge and intelligence gathered from the first Camden Food Poverty Alliance Summit which was held in July 2020.
Members: Key members are the formally constituted food banks, as well as a cross section of services for children/young people, families, older people, BAME and faith provision, health and food advisory organisations; ensuring a geographical spread cross the borough. We are working with the group to create a core group which will act as a steering group, with smaller focus groups as needed.
Established: July 2020 - 68 people attended the first summit
Polly Reynolds
Public Health Program Manager
Camden and Islington Councils