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This page records Sustain's 2007 activities in relation to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). For enquiries about this material, contact Sustain's coordinator Jeanette Longfield on





Autumn 2007

In September, Sustain deputy coordinator Kath Dalmeny met with Rachel Sutton of the UK Food Group to discuss a joint funding application to the European Union for a project to develop work on the CAP (and also opportunities for a separate application for cross-border cooperation on promoting traditional orchards), under a programme designed to raise awareness of CAP's work and effects on farmers. Initial plans and ideas were promising. However, since that meeting, Rachel has left the UK Food Group, so this work is on hold. Kath continues to pursue other possible means of supporting work in this important area.

Summer 2007

A well-attended meeting of the UK Food Group and Sustain joint Working Group on Agricultural Production, Technology and Trade was held at the Sustain offices on 7th June. The meeting discussed:

  • Emerging ideas for Sustain work the CAP reform agenda, with several UKFG members giving useful feedback and ideas;
  • The forthcoming World Development Report, and how food and farming organisations can respond, and what research and comments UKFG members could contribute;
  • Preparations for a roundtable meeting on biofuels (to be held in July), aiming for a consensus position on principles, policies and environmental,  social and energy justice in relation to biofuel production in countries of the global South;
  • Other plans for World Food Day.

Further details of Sustain's joint work with the UK Food Group can be found on a separate page.

Organic standards and airfreight
Sustain's deputy coordinator Kath Dalmeny participated in discussions with the Soil Association certification department, on the issue of airfreight of organic food. A proposal to ban airfreight has been issued for public consultation by the Soil Association, and a stakeholder meeting will be held in July, which Sustain will attend.

Organic Action Plan
The England Organic Action Plan(OAP) steering group met on 14 June, with feedback given from the UK Action Plan Forum meeting held on the 27 April. Issues raised by the OAP group, in light of the meeting report, included the need to consult the sector on the new regulations. The secretariat agreed to consider the possibility of organising a stakeholder engagement meeting. There was no agreement on GM thresholds for seeds, and the secretariat undertook to investigate this issue.

The Soil Association's Peter Melchett presented a paper on the contribution that organic farming makes to supplying public goods. The paper is being further refined in light of members' comments, and will be used as part of the library of evidence needed to inform the mid-term review of agri-environment schemes. Lawrence Woodward, from Elm Farm Research Centre, also presented a paper on how the supply of organic goods from UK production might be maintained. Two key issues which that emerged from the presentation were lack of confidence in the market, and continuity and availability of supply.

Organic Centre Wales's Co-ordinator, Nic Lampkin's presentation focused on the promotion of organic food. EU funding is available, which must be match-funded by individual member states. The group was unanimous in their support for Levy Board receipts being used to support this initiative. Discussions will take place between Sir Don Curry, and John Bridge, Chair designate of Levy Board UK.

Sir Don Curry will be chairing the next meeting on 24 October where Sustain's paper on public sector procurement (prepared for the June meeting) should be presented.

Note: Establishment of Defra's Organic Action Plan and steering group followed Sustain's successful Organic Targets Campaign. An archive of campaign material will shortly be available online. If you would like to find out more, contact Sustain's coordinator Jeanette Longfield, email:

Spring 2007

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform
Sustain's deputy coordinator Kath Dalmeny has continued to pursue discussions with member organisations about how to develop a programme of work on CAP, and gauging support for the One Planet Funding proposal.

In March, she met with Tom Macmillan of the Food Ethics Council and Helen Browning of FEC and the Soil Association, to discuss ideas for coalition- building and policy targets. This follows a discussion paper published by FEC in December 2006, on 'Sustainable farming and food: emerging challenges', which fed into a meeting about the future of agricultural policy organised by the Sustainable Development Commission attended by senior Defra and Treasury officials and Defra minister David Miliband.

Tom has drafted a paper proposing the areas of work that FEC would recommend as key areas for attention, and which could form the basis of a coalition campaign. There was discussion about the pros and cons of signing up to a manifesto, and ideas for building momentum. Tom, Helen and Kath also discussed how to nurture public health organisations to play a role in arguing the case for CAP reform on a public health basis.

Consulting with members
Kath has continued to pursue a consultative process to develop ideas for campaigns and policy work on food and farming policy. This has involved:


  • Developing a discussion paper to explore possible activities, policy objectives and likely funders, and to inform discussions.
  • Organising a meeting, hosted on 15 September at Hope Farm near Cambridge, owned by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
  • Attending a meeting of the agriculture working group, organised by the UK Food Group.
  • Arranging several meetings and conversations with colleagues from other organisations, to help shape our ideas and plans, including with members of the Food Climate Research Network; Food Link organisations; and other key organisations and individuals with a particular interest in agriculture.

Organic Action Plan
Sustain project officer Emma Hockridge has produced a policy paper on public sector procurement for the Organic Action Plan group, which will be discussed at the next meeting on June 14. This will be presented alongside a number of other papers, to form the core of the group's workplan. Themes covered include the contribution of organic farming in supplying public goods, and how to maintain the supply of organic goods from UK production.

Advisory Committee on Organic Standards (ACOS)
Sustain consultant Catherine Fookes continues to contribute to the Advisory Committee on Organic Standards(ACOS) sub-committee on standards for organic farmed fish. There the contentious issue of organic cod standards has received attention over recent months. Catherine has continued to express her reservations about organic cod standards, for several reasons, but principally:



  • The source of feed for carnivorous fish can be a problem area, with a very low conversion rate from feed to fish produced (some estimates suggest that 8kg of feed may be needed to produce 1kg of fish). This seems inherently wasteful and out of line with organic principles.
  • The source of fish feed can be trawled or otherwise indiscriminately fished, resulting in conservation problems.
  • Current cod standards allow 24-hour lighting, which may have animal welfare implications, affect nearby wildlife, and consume excessive energy.

In January, Catherine spoke out about her concerns (shared with others, such as Elm Farm Research Centre) about 24-hour lighting on a Channel 4 documentary, which resulted in a review by ACOS of its policy on interactions with the media. Catherine had presented her concerns and media plans to the chair of the committee in advance of the interview. In the resulting review, despite ACOS being a Defra committee, Defra did not comment on the relationship of standards committees with the media. ACOS may also consider how to resolve issues where consensus is lacking or concerns have not yet been addressed.






Winter 2006-07

Organic Action Plan
The next meeting of the Organic Action Plan group, following its revamp at the last meeting in October, will be on 8 March. Sustain project officer Emma Hockridge will be among the six �champions� presenting papers on the group's priorities (public procurement has been assigned to Emma, due to her involvement with Sustain's Good Food on the Public Plate project).

Advisory Committee on Organic Standards (ACOS)
Catherine Fookes, consultant to Sustain, attended the December meeting of the Advisory Committee on Organic Standards (ACOS), at which there was a brief discussion on the European Union's organic regulation, and poultry flock sizes. Catherine is also represented on the ACOS committee exploring the development of organic aquaculture standards, but she was unfortunately unable to attend the last meeting.

New Campaign for Real Organic Poultry
However, Catherine did attend a December conference at the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, organised by the Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm. The event saw the launch of the Campaign for Real Organic Poultry (CROP) and the Organic Growers Association. CROP believe standards for organic poultry - both layers and table birds - should improve by, for example, limiting flock sizes to 500, ensuring 100% organic feed, stipulating appropriate breeds, and closing the rearing system by using only organic chicks. There were useful discussions on the importance of keeping organic standards in general to a high level so that they meet consumer expectations. 

Sustainable Farming Campaign: Sustain encourages integration of sustainable food and farming into local, regional and national government policies.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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