Transforming the public health system consultation, Sustain response

In our consultation response we focus on the new Office for Health Promotion.

Transforming the public health system consultation, Sustain response
2021 | 210Kb


Reports Children's Food Campaign

Published: Wednesday 5 May 2021


  • We need a strengthened, independent role for the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) with their own expert resource and powers to publish independent evidence and scientific reviews, and to conduct and publish responses to public consultations.
  • The OHP needs to be a source of robust, independent, rigorous scientific advice that can provide challenge to government. This needs to be in the operating framework for the new agency.
  • We welcome the commitment to cross government working. Eg the new OHP needs to work with the Department of International Trade to ensure the government reserves the right to regulate to protect public health and that emerging trade policy supports domestic health objectives. Longer term health determinants such as diet, nutrition and anti microbial resistance need to be included in the health impact assessments of trade agreements.  
  • The OHP could use public sector food to help deliver large scale dietary improvements. Programmes such as the school fruit and veg scheme, healthy start voucher scheme and expanded universal provision of healthy school food monitored in line with nutritionally robust School Food Standards could all help deliver OHP objectives by tackling health inequalities and obesity together.
  • Focusing on malnutrition in later life could free up much needed funding for other health outcomes over time.


Children's Food Campaign: Better food and food teaching for children in schools, and protection of children from junk food marketing are the aims of Sustain's high-profile Children's Food Campaign. We also want clear food labelling that can be understood by everyone, including children.

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