Get ready for #GoodToGrow2023

It’s nearly that time of year again! Good to Grow Day is just around the corner, so – wherever you are in the UK – get ready to visit your local community garden and get growing.

Good to Grow Day 2022. Credit: Cambridge Central MosqueGood to Grow Day 2022. Credit: Cambridge Central Mosque

News Good to Grow

Published: Tuesday 28 March 2023

Have you ever wanted to know how to grow your own veg? Are you itching to get to know your local community? Or maybe you’re just looking for a nice day out with the family? Friday the 21st of April marks the beginning of Good to Grow Day 2023, a long weekend of activities, events and open days at community gardens across the whole of the UK. 

Good to Grow Day is a chance for anyone and everyone to visit their local garden and celebrate Spring, while supporting and enjoying all of the valuable community spaces around the UK. And the best bit? You don’t need to have any gardening experience to join in! 

To find out how you can take part in this national weekend of celebration, make your way to our Good to Grow map, find your local garden, and take a look at what they’ve got planned between the 21st and the 24th of April. It couldn’t be easier!

Bella Driessen, Local Action Officer for Sustainable Food Places, commented: “Growing food in your local community is a brilliant way to access delicious fresh food, to help take action on climate change, and to make friends along the way. We are so proud of the growing network of community food gardens up and down the country who are building resilience for their local areas, reinvigorating forgotten skills, and empowering their friends and neighbours to grow and share an abundance of nourishing food. It is never too late to get involved, and Good to Grow Day is the perfect place to start. Happy growing!"

Fiona McAllister, Capital Growth Coordinator, added: “This year, we’re looking forward to engaging more people in the biodiversity benefits of urban food growing, and we’ll be inviting all gardens to do a bug count too! Together, let’s plant some seeds of hope and demonstrate how more than ever, we need these spaces in our communities for people and for wildlife.”

Check out the Good to Grow map here.

Are you a community garden but haven't registered yet? Find out how here.

Good to Grow: Good to Grow Day is all about getting people involved in their local community garden. We hold national events across the UK that aim to raise the profile of community gardens and encourage more people to take part.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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