A parliamentary research team has published an advisory paper on the impact of poor diet on health. The paper outlines the causal link between poor diet and health inequalities, whilst recognising that people experiencing other disadvantages including disability, mental ill-health or low income are most at risk of diet-related health problems.
The paper states that "inequalities in diets contribute to overall inequalities in health. Improved diets can improve population-wide health and reduce wider health inequalities."
Sustain spoke to the researchers, drawing attention to the need for a whole food system approach to tackling these problems, as well as cash-based and universal support for those most in need, for example reintroducing the £20 uplift to Universal Credit, or introducing universal provision of free school meals. We also emphasised the need for national government and local authorities to work in genuine partnership with communities, including those in poverty, to design solutions at all scales.
The report concluded that:
"The consensus among a range of researchers is that strategies are currently insufficient to improve population health and reach those most affected by inequalities. It is widely thought that changing the physical, economic, social and commercial environment through a range of interventions is required, rather than targeting actions at individual behaviour. This would require sustained and coordinated action in a long-term strategy. Planning and implementation of policies with the affected communities to reflect local needs and make use of existing infrastructure could be the most inclusive and effective approach in addressing inequalities."
Key points for effective reduction of health inequalities were identified as:
- Cross-departmental approach, coordination, leadership, and accountability to address wider health determinants and to transform the food system with interventions at all levels.
- Monitoring, evaluation, and ongoing adjustment of policies.
- Collaboration and partnerships between local, regional and national public and private stakeholders and communities.
- Population-wide approach with targeted income-focused support for the most vulnerable.
Food Poverty: Championning people-powered projects that tackle the root causes of food poverty.