Food Power: Lessons learnt for London and beyond

WebinarThursday 14 October 2021 • 14:0015:30

This webinar shared experiences of how local collaboration can help tackle food poverty and move towards food justice for all

As part of London Challenge Poverty week, this Sustain webinar launched our new report sharing key lessons for empowering local action on food poverty, based on experiences from Food Power, a people-powered project which supported 80 food poverty alliances to take coordinated approaches to tackle food poverty across the UK.

Through developing food poverty alliances and action plans; learning and sharing good practice; involving experts by experience; and evidencing what works at the local level, communities have come together to move beyond the food bank to begin building food justice for their communities.

This webinar was for everyone, because everyone can help tackle food poverty. Whether you’re a funder, community group, food partnership, community garden, local authority, business, academic or interested individual, you can make food justice a reality in London and beyond. This webinar will give you an idea of how.

Download the report here 

Food Poverty: Millions of people in the UK struggle to get enough to eat. We’re working to change that through people-powered projects and campaigns that tackle the root causes of food poverty and ensure everyone has dignified access to healthy, affordable food.

The Green House
244-254 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9DA

020 3559 6777

Sustain advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.

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